• Are you getting enough Vitamin D during the summer

    Are you getting enough Vitamin D during the summer

    When those gloomy winter nights transition into progressively brighter spring and summer, do you really need to be thinking about vitamin D? The aptly-named sunshine vitamin is recommended for everyone during winter, as we don’t get as much sun exposure – which our bodies need to make vitamin D. Do you need to take vitamin D in the summer when the sun is blazing in the sky? We should be ok - right? Not always, it seems! Discover why getting enough vitamin D is so important and why some of...
  • Discover the different vitamins for you

    Discover the different vitamins for you

    There are a group of vitamins that are vital to the body – known as essential vitamins. The body can’t function properly without them. The body can’t make essential vitamins by itself, so we must get them through our diet. However, even with the best intentions, it’s not always possible to get enough of the vitamins we need to keep our body functioning at its very best. Why do people take vitamins? Millions of people around the globe take vitamins to supplement their dietary intake and promote optimum health. It’s...
  • What are vitamins and why do we need them?

    What are vitamins and why do we need them?

    You might know a bit about vitamins, and may even take some every day, but do you really know what they are? We’ve got the answers to your vital vitamin questions: What are vitamins? Vitamins are compounds that our bodies need to work properly. Because we can’t make most of them, we have to get them from our diets. There are 13 vitamins altogether and they are classed as micronutrients because we only need them in small quantities, usually milligrams (mg) or micrograms (mcg or μg), every day.  One exception...
  • Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails

    Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails

    Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails Forget tweaking your Instagram filters to achieve a healthy glow or glossy hair. Upping your omega 3 intake could be the answer. From minimising breakouts to giving thinning hair a boost, in this post we provide a breakdown of the omega 3 benefits for skin, hair and nails. What is omega 3? Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients found in certain foods. They’re also widely available in supplement form. The two main omega 3 fatty acids are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and...
  • Spotlight On Vitamin B Complex

    Spotlight On Vitamin B Complex

    What are B Vitamins?   B vitamins are a group of water-soluble nutrients that play an important role in many aspects of body function. Although each B vitamin has its own unique functions, they also work synergistically. With the exception of vitamin B12 they are not stored in the body so need to be constantly replenished. The need for B vitamins increases during times of stress and illness. Functions and Benefits of B vitamins  Energy production Digestion Cardiovascular health Protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism Mental health and nervous system function...
  • 3 ways to get enough Vitamin D

    3 ways to get enough Vitamin D

    Are you getting enough Vitamin D every day? In fact, thinking about it, how much is ‘enough?’ Before we delve deeper into the ins and outs of Vitamin D, let’s just spend a minute or two focusing on what it is, the main sources of Vitamin D and what it does to our body. What is Vitamin D and what does it do? Vitamin D is the vitamin that’s responsible for helping regulate how much calcium and phosphate we have in our body. It’s these nutrients that make sure our...
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