• Shin splints

    Shin splints

    If you have been suffering with painful shins, there is a chance that it could be shin splints. Shin splints are commonly used to describe any sort of shin pain, but shin splints are specifically caused by putting weight on your legs through exercise such as running.1 The good news is that they’re not serious and can be easily treated, with the right help. Fortunately for you – we have put together all the relevant information that you’ll need to help you recover. Over the course of the next article...
  • Protein, Appetite and Weight Loss

    Protein, Appetite and Weight Loss

    Protein is a vital nutrient that has many critical roles in the body. The building blocks of proteins are amino acids. There are 22 amino acids used in the human body. Nine of these have to come from the food we eat and are called essential. Functions of protein include repair and maintenance of body tissues, energy, the formation of some hormones, enzymes and antibodies, and the transportation and storage of molecules. Protein also increases thermogenesis and satiety, both of which are useful for weight loss. Let’s look at what...
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