• Your recommended daily steps by age

    Your recommended daily steps by age

    Your recommended daily steps by age You might already be a regular counter or even have an app on your smartphone which records every step you take. If you’re currently not monitoring this though, it’s worth considering exactly how many steps medical professionals recommend we take each day to help support our bodies’ physical health. Why is it important to reach your recommended daily step count? Moving our bodies regularly has innumerable benefits, from improving our circulation and heart health to supporting weight loss and lowering the risk of certain...
  • Protein, Appetite and Weight Loss

    Protein, Appetite and Weight Loss

    Protein is a vital nutrient that has many critical roles in the body. The building blocks of proteins are amino acids. There are 22 amino acids used in the human body. Nine of these have to come from the food we eat and are called essential. Functions of protein include repair and maintenance of body tissues, energy, the formation of some hormones, enzymes and antibodies, and the transportation and storage of molecules. Protein also increases thermogenesis and satiety, both of which are useful for weight loss. Let’s look at what...
  • 5 daily exercises to do at your desk

    5 daily exercises to do at your desk

    When you are working on a computer or a laptop every day, it is easy to get so caught up in your work that you do not move for hours on end! And most of the time, we do not even realise it. Which is why it is so important to have a bank of easy exercises to do at your desk, so that you can give your mind and body a workout, without disrupting your productivity. If you are looking to incorporate exercises while sitting into your daily routine,...
  • The importance of a healthy morning routine

    The importance of a healthy morning routine

    Whether you count yourself as a morning person or love to lie in, it’s important to have some sort of structure to those first couple of hours of your day. Wondering why or how you could improve on your current habits? Here’s our complete guide to achieving a healthy morning routine. Why is a healthy morning routine important?1 There are numerous benefits to not just simply rolling out of bed, wolfing down a bowl of cereal and running out the door. Feeling rushed in the mornings and not having enough...
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