Immunity guide: Supporting your immune system
What is your immune system? How does it fight disease? This article will answer all the important questions around immunity, including our top tips to support the immune system and boost your health. What is your immune system? You probably only think about your immune system when colds and flu are doing the rounds. But it is working all the time to guard you against foreign invaders, mounting constant attacks to defend your body without you even noticing.1 It’s a huge, complex network of cells, organs, proteins, and antibodies –... -
6 superfoods to support your immune system
6 superfoods to support your immune system If you want to avoid succumbing to countless sniffles and colds during the colder months, there are a number of steps you can take. Keeping wrapped up when outside and making sure your home is warm is a must, but you should also consider the types of foods you eat to support your immunity. Include these immunity-supporting foods in your diet: Oranges You need to make sure that your body has plenty of vitamin C during the colder months as it helps your body fight... -
8 of the best vitamins to support your immunity 2022
8 of the best vitamins to support your immunity 2022 If you want to feel good, keeping your immune system healthy and functioning is essential. This hardworking system is dedicated to protecting us. Discover the 8 best vitamin formulas of 2022 to help support your immunity here, as well as some information on how they work. The link between vitamins and immunity One of the best ways to support your natural immunity is to nourish your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive (the ones your body can’t make by... -
How to support your immune system
How to support your immune system Your immune system is your body’s first and second line of defence against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and infection so it makes sense to do everything you can do to support it. Protect your immune system, and it will be able to protect you. Your immune system is a vast and complex network of cells and organs. It is constantly regenerating and adapting so rather than thinking about boosting your immune system, look at ways to support each part of it. Your body will do...