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Have I got hay fever? Signs and symptoms

Have I got hay fever? Signs and symptoms

Has the seasonal influx of pollen got you wondering if your sneezing and runny nose are signs of hay fever? Or could it be a summer cold About 10 million people in England experience...
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Hay fever: what is it and what causes it?

Hay fever: what is it and what causes it?

It’s early spring or summer, your nose is stuffed up and your eyes are itching and streaming. Pretty sure it’s not a cold? It’s more likely to be hay fever. And unlike a cold, the...
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The best hay fever remedies and relief

The best hay fever remedies and relief

  Hay fever can be debilitating, especially during the peak summer months. But what can you do to stop it ruining your summer? What hay fever remedies are there? Itchy eyes, persistent sneezing, and...
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What are probiotics?

What are probiotics?

It’s thought that four in ten of us are experiencing a digestive problem at any one time.1 From stomach aches to indigestion, gut troubles can be incredibly uncomfortable and unpleasant. With this in mind, it’s...
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Friendly gut bacteria explained

Friendly gut bacteria explained

Did you know that there are trillions of microorganisms living inside your gut? They’re collectively known as your microbiome and each person’s is unique – a bit like your genes. The microbiome is formed...
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